Futures Thinking in Asia-Pacific
The APFN network has explored the many futures of Asia and the Pacific, looking at climate, economics, health, education, culture, governance, youth, & beyond.
Discover some of our work below. However, we highly recommend to visit the website of the Journal of Futures Studies. All articles on this website can be found there and much much more.
Futures of Asia-Pacific
Disruptions Asia 2038
In this blog by Sohail Inayatullah, based on his book with Lu Na “Asia 2038: Ten Disruptions that Change Everything”, he explores possible futures of Asia, ten critical emerging issues, and four alternative scenarios.
Walking Together: Gender Equality Futures 2042 in the Asia-Pacific Region
Over sixty gender specialists from the Asian Development Bank met to explore the futures of gender equality in the Asia-Pacific Region. Using emerging issues analysis, the futures wheel, scenarios, causal layered analysis, and visioning, participants sought not just to understand the changing external world but to collectively brainstorm on long-term gender transformative strategies.
Raising ambitions for a healthy environment
In this report by United Nations ESCAP, we explore futures of the region in 2040, including today’s risk landscape in Asia and the Pacific, five drivers of systemic change, and four alternative scenarios including the preferred “the Yangtze River Dolphin returns” with accompanying roadmap.
The Futures of Asian Cultures
In this UNESCO event report, you will learn about the Futures of Cultures Project, examine important cultural changes taking place in Asia, and that cultures and their futures rather than technological and economic developments are at the core of humankind’s highly uncertain future.
Nations in focus
Korea as the Wave of a Future: The Emerging Dream Society of Icons and Aesthetic Experience
In this article by Jim Dator and Yongseok Seo, explore evidence that indicates South Korea may be leading a global transition towards dream societies of icons and aesthetic experience, evidenced by policies that base their economy on popular culture, perhaps eventually replacing “Gross National Product” as a measure of socioeconomic success with “Gross National Cool”.
Garment workers to Women Leaders and the Wise E-Buddha: Cambodia 2050
In this piece by Sohail Inayatullah, Sunniya Durrani-Jamal, and Sonia Chand Sandhu, we explore a facilitated futures foresight workshop by the Asian Development Bank to map out complimentary pathways to the development of Cambodia’s vision 2030 (to become an upper middle income country) and eventually Vision 2050 (to become a middle income country).
The Pawn That Roars, Selfies And Amusement Parks, Or Localism And Soft Islam: The Futures Of Afghanistan
In this article by Sohail Inayatullah, Satya Tanner, Roar Bjonnes, Jose Ramos, and Kiran Ahmed, explore scenarios on the futures of Afghanistan: “the Endless Pendulum,” “Money Wins Over Text and Sword,” “The Pawn that Roars,” and “Selfies and Amusement Cars.” The final is they argue he most transformative, and provides a vision out of the current abyss.
Covid-19 and the Futures of Pakistan: Inclusive foresight and innovation
In this piece by Sohail Inayatullah, Puruesh Chaudhary, Syed Sami Raza and Umar Sheraz explore the probable futures of Pakistan, the reverberations of climate change, internal and external debt, and other coming crises that were brought into focus by the Coronavirus pandemic.
Evaluating futures
Evaluating Learning Outcomes and Impacts of Futures-oriented education
In this article by Kuo-Hua Chen, we explore an empirical examination to evaluate the outcomes and impacts of Tamkang University’s future-oriented education, with a quantitative survey of 578 valid samples. The research suggests that futures-oriented education increases young people’s openness to alternatives, transdisciplinary thinking, and optimism about the future.
Reevaluating the Foresight Styles Assessment
In this article by Kuo-Hua Chen, Li-Ping Hsu and Jeanne Hoffman, we analyse the results of a revised foresight styles assessment (FSA) of 1320 students in undergraduate classes at Tamkang University. It found that the educational intervention of students taking futures courses improved the mean score across the five foresight styles investigated: Futurist, Flexist, Activist, Opportunist and Equlibrist. It provides empirical proof that futures-oriented pedagogy is a valuable tool to transform the current factory model of learning into a culture of foresight and provide students with essential strategic foresight leadership skills.
Futures Thinking in Asia and the Pacific: Why Foresight Matters for Policy Makers
In this article by the Asian Development Bank and edited by Sohail Inayatullah, explore lessons from an ADB initiative to apply futures and foresight tools in Armenia, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste. Futures terminology is introduced as well as specific tools such as emerging issues analysis, scenario planning, and backcasting.
Alternative futures of global governance: scenarios and perspectives from the Global South
In this article by Shermon Cruz, take a critical and informative exploration of the emerging roles and rising influence of the Global South in shaping the future of global governance. Specifically, it inquires into the following questions: How is the Global South impacting the way we govern globally? What are the pushers, pulls and weights to the futures of global governance?
From Foresight to Power: Challenging and Reimagining Futures and Pathways of Land Use, and Water Governance
In this article by Heidi Mendoza and Shermon Cruz, explore scenarios for land use developed by an alliance of organizations in the Philippines, and how a foresight process challenged the landscape of governance planning, providing participants power to influence policy, and decision-making processes.
Reimaging the Future of Work: Intergenerational Dialogues on Youth’s Aspirations and Dreams Beyond Covid-19
In this article by Adam Sharpe and Iking Corpus, we unpack the experience of using an Appreciative Inquiry approach to gain an understanding of priorities and challenges related to youth economic empowerment in the ‘new normal’ impacted by coronavirus, and to establish a diverse network willing to work together to create change.
Banking on Youth – Young People Champion Sustainability Futures for Multilateral Development Banks in 2040
In this article by Adam Sharpe and William Lucht, explore the results of a Six Pillars Approach workshop with young people around the world. Understand the history of MDBs, four scenarios for MDBs in 2040, and a set of metaphors that offer guidance to help MDBs align culture with strategy.
The Rising Appeal of a De-Growth Future
In this article by Seongwon Park, explore how youngsters’ “wandering society” desires become possible with technological advances and new ownership concepts. In a survey of more than 2,000 South Koreans in September 2014, more than half said they are attracted to a future that does not prioritize growth.
International Relations
Possible Scenarios on the Future of the Panatag Shoal
In this paper by Shermon Cruz, explore the possible scenarios on the future of the Panatag island controversy. Using Jim Dator’s four archetypes of alternative futures it asks various questions: what are the possible scenarios in Asia when viewed from the Panatag Island controversy? What are the consequences of a continued economic growth, collapse, conserver and transformation scenarios at the Panatag Island? What might happen if conflict escalates and worst case scenario eventuate? And more.